Reference Source


import Model from './model';
import Database from '../../util/database';
import ImageUtil from '../../util/imageutility';
import TimeUtil from '../../util/timeutility';
import PersistStorage from '../../util/persistentstorage';
import AuthState from '../../util/authenticationstate';

const BIKE_TYPE = ImageUtil.getTypes().BIKE;

 * Class for the bike model to be used by the BikePresenter and AddBikePresenter
 * @extends Model
class BikeModel extends Model {
	 * Creates an instance of BikeModel. Sets the default callback, creates an observerlist,
	 * and registers an on read from the database.
	 * @constructor
	constructor() {
		this._callback = this._defaultCallback;
		this.listener = null;
		this._data = {data: []};
		this._checkForLocalData('data'); // Offline equivalent of _registerDBReadListener, only useful if the user hasn't logged out	

	 * Delete a bike from the database
	 * @param {string} id - A bike id to delete
	 * @param {Function} callback - A function to call when remove succeeds or fails
	deleteBikeByID(id, callback) {
		const { index } = this._bikeIDExists(id);
		const bike = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify([index])); = => !== id);
		Database.removeBikeItem(id, (resultItem) => {
			Database.removeImages(bike.thumbnail, (resultImage) => {
				callback(resultItem && resultImage);

	 * Returns the bike data by providing the bike ID.
	 * @param {string} id - A bike ID
	 * @return {Object} The data coresponding to the bike id
	_getBikeByID = (id) => {
		return => {
			return === id;

	 * Default callback
	_defaultCallback(message) {

	 * Set the model's callback to a new callback. This callback can be used anywhere and is usually passed in from a presenter.
	 * @param {Function} callback - A callback to run when certain code is executed
	setCallback(callback) {
		this._callback = callback;

	 * Register an 'on' read from the database to get updates anytime data changes in the database.
	_registerDBReadListener() {
		this.listener = Database.readBikeDataOn((snapshot) => {
			// console.log(snapshot.val());
			this._notifyAll(this._data); // Don't supply data to force a refresh by the presenter

	 * Toggle the database listener off and then on again to get the data again.
	 * TODO : Better method to do this?
	toggleListeners() {
		if (this.listener != null) {

	 * Get method for presenters to get data.
	 * @return {Object} data stored in the model
	get() {
		return {...this._data} // Immutable

	 * Update method for presenters to update the model's data. Datetime and Owner are handled in database class.
	 * Callback needs to be set with BikeM.setCallback(callback); callback takes in 1 parameter.
	 * @param {Object} newData - New data to add
	update(newData) {
		// Add ID here
		if ( === '' || === undefined) {
			console.log('Fetching new ID...'); = Database.getNewBikeID();
		} = TimeUtil.getDateTime();

		try {
			const {exists, index} = this._bikeDataExists(newData);
			if (exists && this._checkImages(index, { = this._removeIllustrationKey(;
				this._insertDataOnUpdate(newData, exists, index);
				this._editExistingInDatabase(, (result) => {this._callback(true); this._notifyAll(this._data);});

			} else { 
				const { BikeImages } = Database.getImageFolders(); = false // true: if bike is stolen; false: if the bike is not stolen or the owner has marked it as found = false // true: if stolen=true && bike was found; false: if stolen=false || (stolen=true && bike is not found)

				// Write to database
				this._writeImageToDBStorage(,, BikeImages, (uploaded_images, num_defaults) => { = uploaded_images;

					// Check if there's actually images 
					if (!ImageUtil.checkImageListValid(uploaded_images)) {

					const {exists, index} = this._bikeDataExists(newData); // Need to recompute each time because would have changed on second image
					this._insertDataOnUpdate(newData, exists, index);

					// console.log(result);
					// console.log(;

					// If the number of defaults in the original amount is the same 
					const finishCallback = ImageUtil.checkNumDefaults(BIKE_TYPE, num_defaults, uploaded_images) ? (result) => {this._callback(result); this._notifyAll(this._data);} : (_) => 'default';

					// variable 'result' - true: ID was found in database so edit it; false: ID not found in database so add it
					// const dbCall = result ? Database.editBikeData : Database.writeBikeData;
					// this._addToDatabase(dbCall,, finishCallback);
					const funcCall = exists ? this._editExistingInDatabase : this._writeNewInDatabase;
					funcCall(, finishCallback);

				}, this._callback);
		} catch (error) {

	 * Checks if there are new images in the bike stored vs what was passed in.
	 * @param {Number} index - The index of the bike in the local data
	 * @param {List} thumbnails - A list of thumbnails
	 * @return {Boolean} true: If the thumbnails are the same; false: If the thumbnails are different or if the bike doesn't exist
	_checkImages(index, thumbnails) {
		if (index >= 0) {
			const bike = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify([index]));
			const bikeThumbnails = ImageUtil.addRemainingDefaults(ImageUtil.getTypes().BIKE, bike.thumbnail);
			const paramThumbnailsDefaults = ImageUtil.addRemainingDefaults(ImageUtil.getTypes().BIKE, thumbnails);
			const bikeThumbnailsNoIllustration = this._removeIllustrationKey(bikeThumbnails);
			const thumbnailsNoIllustration = this._removeIllustrationKey(paramThumbnailsDefaults);
			// console.log(bikeThumbnailsNoIllustration, thumbnailsNoIllustration);

			return JSON.stringify(bikeThumbnailsNoIllustration) === JSON.stringify(thumbnailsNoIllustration);
		} else {
			return false; // Bike does not exist

	 * Removes the illustration key from the object and only adds the actual link.
	 * @param {List} thumbnails - A list of thumbnail objects with the property 'illustration'
	 * @return {List} A list of thumbnails
	_removeIllustrationKey(thumbnails) {
		let new_thumbnails = [];
		const DEFAULT_IMAGE = ImageUtil.getDefaultImage(ImageUtil.getTypes().BIKE);
		for (let i=0; i < thumbnails.length; i++) {
			if (thumbnails[i] === DEFAULT_IMAGE || (thumbnails[i].hasOwnProperty('illustration') && thumbnails[i].illustration === DEFAULT_IMAGE)) {
			if (thumbnails[i].hasOwnProperty('illustration')) {
			} else {
		return new_thumbnails;

	 * Write the image to the firebase storage and call the callbacks with the urls that were defined.
	 * @param {Number} id - The id of the bike corresponding to the image
	 * @param {List} images - A list of objects with the property 'illustration'
	 * @param {string} imagesFolder - The folder to upload images to
	 * @param {Function} onSuccess - A callback to call when an image has been successfully uploaded
	 * @param {Function} onError - A callback to call when an image has failed to upload
	_writeImageToDBStorage(id, images, imagesFolder, onSuccess, onError) {
		const FILE_EXTENSION = '.jpg';
		let uploaded_pictures = [];
		let count_default = 0;

		// If there are no images, return
		if (!ImageUtil.checkImageListValid(images)) {

		for (let i=0; i < images.length; i++) {
			// Check if there's a default image, if so, skip it
			if (ImageUtil.isDefaultImage(BIKE_TYPE, images[i].illustration)) {
			} else if (ImageUtil.isAlreadyUploaded(images[i].illustration)) {

			// Name of file is the name of the index and file extension
			const filename = i + ImageUtil.getFileExtension();
			// Write image to database
			Database.writeImage(id, images[i].illustration, filename, imagesFolder, (url) => {
				onSuccess(uploaded_pictures, count_default);
				return url;
			}, (error) => {

	// Could generalize _writeNewInDatabase and _editExistingInDatabase into one function
	// But there was a problem with assigning the functions to variables so just went with this instead

	 * Write new data in database and call the function callback depending on if it was successful or not.
	 * @param {Object} newData - Data to be written to the database
	 * @param {Function} callback - A function to call on the success or failure of the call
	_writeNewInDatabase(newData, callback) {
		return Database.writeBikeData(newData, (data) => {
			// console.log(data);
			callback(typeof data !== 'undefined' && data !== undefined);
			// return typeof data !== 'undefined' && data !== undefined
			// this._callback(typeof data !== 'undefined' && data !== undefined);
		},(error) => {
			// this._callback(false);

	 * Overwrite existing data in database and call the function callback depending on if it was successful or not.
	 * @param {Object} newData - Data to be written to the database
	 * @param {Function} callback - A function to call on the success or failure of the call
	_editExistingInDatabase(newData, callback) {
		return Database.editBikeData(newData, (data) => {
			// console.log(data);
			callback(typeof data !== 'undefined' && data !== undefined);
			// return typeof data !== 'undefined' && data !== undefined;
			// this._callback(typeof data !== 'undefined' && data !== undefined);
		},(error) => {
			// this._callback(false);

	 * Insert data into the data object on an update trigger (from Presenter).
	 * @param {Object} newData - New data passed in, of the form : {data: []}
	 * @param {Boolean} exists - If the bike already exists
	 * @param {Number} index - The index of the bike. Positive if it exists, negative if it doesn't
	 * @return {Boolean} true: Data was an edited value; false: Data was a new value
	_insertDataOnUpdate(newData, exists, index) {
		let i = 0;
		// console.log(newData, exists, index);

		// If only one piece, just insert it
		if ( === 0) {;
			return false;

		if (exists && index >= 0) {[index] =;  // Data found, overwrite
			return true;
		} else {; // Appends to the list - Use this if only a single piece of data is passed in 
			return false; // Data not found

	 * Checks if the bike exists based on the data of the bike.
	 * @param {Object} bikeData - The data to check
	 * @return {Boolean, Number} exists: true: If the bike exists; false: otherwise. index - The index of the bike if it exists, -1 if not
	_bikeDataExists(bikeData) {
		return this._bikeIDExists(

	 * Checks if the bike exists based on the id.
	 * @param {string} id - The id of a bike
	 * @return {Boolean, Number} exists: true: If the bike exists; false: otherwise. index - The index of the bike if it exists, -1 if not
	_bikeIDExists(id) {
		let i = 0;
		// Loop through and see if there's a match, probably a better way to do this with indexOf or filter
		while (i < &&[i].id !== id) {
		const exists = i !==;
		const index = exists ? i : -1;
		return { exists, index };

	 * Checks if an object has a certain property.
	 * @param {Object} obj - An object to check
	 * @param {string} property - The name of a property
	 * @return {Boolean} true: if the object has the property; false: otherwise
	_hasProperty(obj, property) {
		return obj.hasOwnProperty(property);

	 * Insert data into the data object on a read from the database.
	 * @param {Object} databaseData - An objects of objects containing data from the database.
	_insertDataOnRead(databaseData) {
		let tempData = {data:[]};
		let dataID = 0;
		const currentUser = AuthState.getCurrentUserID();

		if (databaseData != null) { // Check if there are objects in the database
			for (let val in databaseData) {
				if (!this._hasProperty(databaseData[val], 'id')) { // If it doesn't have an id, skip it because it isn't valid

				// Bike page only displays current user
				if (currentUser == null || currentUser != databaseData[val].owner) {

				// Arrays don't show up in firebase so we manually have to insert to make sure we don't get errors in the view
				if (!this._hasProperty(databaseData[val], 'colour')) {
					databaseData[val].colour = [];
				if (!this._hasProperty(databaseData[val], 'thumbnail')) {
					databaseData[val].thumbnail = [];

				databaseData[val].dataID = dataID; // Assign a dataID which is just an incremental temporary value[val]);
			this._data = tempData;
			this._saveDataToLocalStorage('data', this._data);

	 * Save data to local storage.
	 * @param {string} key - A key to store the data under
	 * @param {Object} data - The data to store 
	async _saveDataToLocalStorage(key, data) {
		await PersistStorage.retrieveData(key, (retrievedData) => {
			if (retrievedData != [] && retrievedData != null && retrievedData != undefined) {
				// We only want to store data if there isn't already data.
				PersistStorage.storeData(key, JSON.stringify(data), (error) => {
		}, (error) => {

	 * Checks if local data is stored, and if so, update the data. This is because we don't wait for this data
	 * when authenticating and the user can see their bikes if offline.
	 * @param {string} key - Key to get data for 
	async _checkForLocalData(key) {
		await PersistStorage.retrieveData(key, (data) => {
			if (data != null) {
				this._data = JSON.parse(data);
		}, (error) => {

export default BikeModel;